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Re: My Silent Hill 1 review

Posted: 29 Nov 2015
by KennyPowrez
^what you said, without the questioning of the previous poster's mental integrity, lol. The art direction is amazing in SH1, like the rest of the "Team Silent" games. This is the problem I have with the gaming community. Once a game is is considered to be "outdated", everyone forgets about it. In cinema, the classics go back from the 40's and no one complains.

Re: My Silent Hill 1 review

Posted: 02 Dec 2015
by Its Gone Now
^Yeah it's sad that in general Games fall into obscurity a lot quicker than movies (not always, most of the time) and they can become obsolete a lot quicker when sequels are released (again, not always). Certain types of games are more susceptible than others. I'm a pretty hardcore gamer though and my favourite games are waaaay ahead of my favourite movies or anything else. There is nothing outside of gaming that can touch things like Mass Effect and Dark Souls for me, not even close.

I wish there was an easy way to make non-gamers understand how amazing they can be. And that just because a game is old doesn't mean it is shit. I think most gamers get it though, the problem we have now is that a lot of reviewers and other people in the gaming media are not actually gamers, which is silly.

Colour me cynical but I hate it when a youtube channel get's some young hot 'chick' to present their game videos when it is obvious after about 10 seconds the presenter hasn't even held a controller more than once in her whole life, it winds me up, the fact they get paid for it winds me up even more.