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This is one of the few games that made me legitimately sad.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Suiko
The only other games I can think of that effected me in any way like this were SH 2/3, Persona 3, and Metal Gear Solid 3.

Spoilers from those games,
It seems in these games a main character dies/has been dead and the surviving character takes it in such a hard way that there's almost no way not to feel a little touched by it. Big Boss standing at The Boss' grave as one of the very few that knows the real truth to her sacrifice, Aegis holding the main character as he peacefully passes away, you all know what the case is for the Silent Hill games. These are all very well done moments in storytelling, and the music and emotions that go with them are near top notch IMO

I mean, after I beat this game, I just sat there and thought that I REALLY should go see my dad this weekend, because you never really know what could happen on any given day. And after you fight through so much and just get to that realization of what has happened, it really hits hard just how well thought out this story is. If Silent Hill stayed changed like this gameplay wise, I could care less as long as the story was as great as it was in this title.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Droo
I find the intro video of Cheryl and Harry at Lakeside gut-wrenching to watch in hindsight. That "I love my Daddy" now makes me friggin tear up.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by PrescitedEntity
For me, the knife in the heart came at seeing Harry freeze. I didn't cry then, but god knows I was fighting back tears when I called home the next evening.

The only other time I've been this moved by a video game was Terranigma, and that was for somewhat different reasons.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Wolfang_02
I didn't cry, but I felt saddened when I beat the game.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Endri
The only game I can remember that made me sad with the ending were Lufia II, FFX, Shadow Hearts 2, Persona 3 and Star Ocean 4 (these are quite a few games, now that I think about it).

SM made me sad, but not in the way you can imagine.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by leftshoe18
i choked up at the end...but i'm too macho to cry lol
well done climax

this game, and silent hill 2 had some of the most gut-wrenching twists in any game i've ever played.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by simeonalo
Awh I cried too :'(
And it reminds me of a story where my dad left the Philippines, and would always visit his dad (my grandpa) on his (my dad's) birthday, one day he didn't and my grandpa died the day after :\ that kinda sucks.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Jecht
Wow, that's pretty sad...

I was sad by the ending but didn't cry. FF7 is the only game to make me cry (RIP Aeris)

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Suiko
I didn't cry at the end of any of these games either, but it just gave me that feeling where you sit there and think about things for the rest of the day/night that you usually don't, and it almost puts you in a depressed mood.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
I didn't cry for any of the past SH's, but I did cry for this one. This one was just painful to play through.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Faded-Myth
The first time we see Cheryl's face tore me up, she looked so sad.

Everything about that ending was beyond perfect. Harry walking through the door is probably what ripped through my heart the most.

At least we can watch the UFO ending and be a little cheered up.

Posted: 12 Dec 2009
by Silent One
It's sometimes a little random what I will and won't cry too. I didn't cry to the ending, but certainly felt the "OMFG it's all fitting into place" feeling as Harry came through the door.

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by Hannah
I was near tears. It was a strange feeling, as I don't often feel that connected to entertainment, but to just learn what the entire thing was. How sad Cheryl looked got to me, too.
But then she went out and hugged Dahlia and I smiled a bit.
Then Dr. K wrote that I was bad in bed and boring.


Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by Escapist
I didn't felt personally affected by the story, but damn I felt sad for Cheryl when I read what the ending was about (well, it does makes me sad that I can't play it :().

Didn't cry. but almost when I saw the Love Lost ending. And Acceptance helped, too.

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by saevitia
The ending just tore me apart. As soon as I could get myself together enough, I went downstairs and hugged my dad. :/

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by Loveless_Dogg
Harry: I'm not even a ghost...
That Got me....that hit me hard. :cry:

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by l33tspaniard
I always will be
was worse T.T

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by Travis Grady
I cried it was so sad

I liked the good ending which in actuallity would be considered the bad ending, because Cheryl gave into her delusions that her father was still alive. Which made me happy still.

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by It Burns
I cried a little, but I didn't find the ending as sad as Silent Hill 2, Harry's death in 3 or Lisa's death in the original.

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by Kenji
Every other emotional moment in the series I could only relate to abstractly, so this one hit me particularly hard. A few weeks ago, I dropped everything I was doing and drove across a few states because my father ended up in the emergency room (he recovered, btw). I feel that part of the reason I did that was so I wouldn't have to sit around and think about it.

So, I guess I was in the right state of mind for this ending, so it got to me far more than any other in the series.