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Posted: 26 Jan 2010
by Nowh3re
Clean and tidy, detail-oriented, "romantic" and lousy in bed…

Posted: 26 Jan 2010
Mine was pretty accurate too. There were one or two things that differed but yeah it was quite right. Gonna start it all over again and do things completely different this time :D

Posted: 27 Jan 2010
by Yuki
The majority of mine was accurate, save for the "clean-living" part; I'm a messy person. Well, that and the "lousy in bed?" portion, but I have no idea of my performance in that department, so... XD

Honestly, though, the evaluation is based on Meyers-Briggs. It can only really generalize; the bits of the evaluation are just specific enough to apply to certain people somewhat, but general enough to apply to multiple people rather than ONLY one.

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by Returbuliz
Mine was quite accurate,
I was kinda shocked actually...addictive personality...a 'do-er'... :D

Posted: 14 Feb 2010
by Harrys_Girl
phantomess wrote:The majority of mine actually wasn't very accurate. From what I remember, just a few general-sounding things were right. I was actually thinking "Is all of this supposed to apply to me?" Now on my next playthrough when I answer things dishonestly, that should be interesting.
Ha, in every game since my first play through where I have been lying to get different endings/outfits/traits, etc. I have found the evaluation more accurate. My first one had a few, one in particular that I haven't gotten since was a note that ended in "Patient doesn't like my angry voice.", which was very true, when Dr. K was yelling and screaming at me to accept the truth, I believe I was yelling back at the screen. I found that particularly interesting that that should be noted in my evaluation only that one time. But in all honesty, I found something in every evaluation, even my sister's and my brother's that I felt could be applied very easily to me. That is the beauty of broad-stroke psychology, it works for everyone.

Posted: 14 Feb 2010
by Cursed
Far from it. Me and a group of friends played, and we completely screwed around. xD

Posted: 14 Feb 2010
by Aric - The Reaper
My assesment by Dr. K was pretty on the spot which made me raise a brow and think 'Holy moose...' and when I try to change the story up, I still got the same result! XD

Posted: 21 Feb 2010
by EileenGalvin
Mine was very accurate except for the whole being bad in bed thing. My husband never complained. Then again he got the same thing there in his evaluation when he finished the game. Maybe we both are horrible in bed and so we don't notice :mrgreen: *does not believe that*

The neat and tidy thing is half true. I prefer it being neat and tidy, but I am too chaotic to keep up with being neat and tidy. I get everything nice looking, and then four and a half hours later it's like WTF HAPPENED IN HERE?!?!?!

Posted: 22 Feb 2010
by Aric - The Reaper

I myself never had a boyfriend or did it, so I don't see how it tells me about my sex life. XD

Posted: 23 Feb 2010
by carneeval
(Heh, this reminds me of what I tell people "Silent Hill Shattered Memories told me I was a good person!")
Well, yes I think it did a pretty good job evaluating me, I couldn't disagree on anything.

Posted: 23 Feb 2010
by Aric - The Reaper
I'm kinda wonder what would my brother would get if he played it, prolly something on the spot with him too, but i know it'll freak him out at the end about his evaluation! ahha

Posted: 23 Feb 2010
by carneeval
Heh, my brothers has been exactly like mine up until the music animal box puzzle. My Cheryl's mom was kind of frustrated but listened to Cheryl and got in a tiny tiff with Harry. My brothers completely freaked on her and kept telling her to shut up and leave her alone and was angry when she got herself cut.

Posted: 23 Feb 2010
by Aric - The Reaper

Posted: 06 Mar 2010
by Biccard
I don't remember all of mine, because it was only half-way through the report it occured to me, that he was writing about ME, and not Cheryl! Yeah, I'm slow, I know :p
Can I view the report again in anyway?
But I remember it said something about me taking pride in helping or being nice to others. And that I was lousy in bed :D It also said that I was straightlaced and something else, which he don't think is a front.

Posted: 08 Mar 2010
by Aric - The Reaper
I can predict my brother's choices but i'm kind wondering what his outcome would be. Mine was close to on the spot.

Posted: 09 Mar 2010
by Komov
I just finished playing the game. Yes, my evaluation was 90% accurate (and it was almost the same as the TC's).

I suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and I'm glad that Dr. K at least to some degree sensed that - my evaluation said I was 'addictive'.

Posted: 09 Mar 2010
by Aric - The Reaper
That's neat but Dr. K for me got the sexuality wrong, I'm still a virgin but i do have a BF on the other side of the country. ^^;

Posted: 10 Mar 2010
by liquidus118
Sounds like a lot of you got something similar to me: All accurate except that I'm not tidy.
I got the "Caring, family-type" like the OP, I can't remember the stuff after that but it seemed a tad off at few parts. Overall surprisingly accurate though.
PS is there a way to re-read the evaluation of a completed save without replaying the end and reading it in the credits again?

Posted: 11 Mar 2010
by Hesper
I was actually rather disappointed to find out that it was only about half right with me. Some stuff in there was accurate, other stuff not so much. (I'm not a tidy person, heh heh.)

I would like to do another run through with some different answers, because there were some things in the game I wasn't sure how to answer. I did an honest playthrough, but somehow, it just didn't turn out very accurate.

Also, first time post. Hi all. :)

Posted: 13 Mar 2010
by Aric - The Reaper

When the evaluation is done typing you can scroll up and down to re-read it just before the credits end.