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Is it true? Was SH4 actually another game that lost funding?

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by christoiwas
OK, so I heard this from a student of mine last year and hopefully someone can shed some light on the matter...

Apparently, according to my student, SH4 was actually another game entirely during its early development, after losing funding the working draft was converted into a Silent Hill game.

Sounds unlikely, but can anyone de-bunk this theory or ..:shock:.. confirm it???

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by asoundbassist
I keep running across a ton of links that purport your idea (which I've heard myself), but I can't find any reliable sources (just blogs and wikis and Yahoo answers).

Honestly, it makes sense to say that, though. It's a complete deviation from the whole "Silent Hill" theme. Typically, the individual is drawn by Silent Hill, which is tailored to their own personal agonies and vices, whereas we, the player, are pulled into someone else's ... I'm not sure. We seem to be pulled all over the place, but not Silent Hill (rather, South Ashfield. Someone correct me if I'm spewing garbage here). There's no radio. No flashlight. Both of these have, until now, been traditional in the games.

If someone walked up to me and said that SH4 was originally not supposed to be Silent Hill, I would believe them.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by Dark Shadow
There's a thread here discussing it.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by AuraTwilight
In summation, no. Incorrect rumor.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by The Adversary
You should teach your students more often.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by simeonalo
You have some kick-ass students :)

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by Brodie
Well actually I'v read some where on the konmi site that they were gonna make it a different game but decided agenst it and thats why its plays differently than other silent hill

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by paladin181
Well, actually you're either full of shit or grievously mistaken.

Posted: 23 Jul 2010
by krakalackin
I never heard or read about SH4 being another game but I got that feeling from playing it. SH4 was so different from 1,2,and 3. I bought it when it first came out, I was really excited that I was going to see how the story was going to continue. I just knew that it was going to be an extension of SH1's and SH3's story or that SH4 was going to be SH2's SH3 (SH3 expands on SH1 I thought SH4 would expand on SH2) but it didn't.

Posted: 24 Jul 2010
by JuriDawn
Thanks for the link, Dark Shadow. :)