Radio? What's going on with that radio?

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Post by SH3girl32 »

It doesn't even sound like a radio..... :P Somehow the monsters can interrfere with the frequences or something, which causes electronic devices to malfunction or just stop working. Or in this case, give off a noise indicating their loctation. I think the monsters can hear the radio in this game, but in the other ones (except SH4 since it didn't have one!) they can't. I don't really understand how this works, but it's useful.
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Post by dagoth_jeff »

RiceDaddy7 wrote:I haven't really read this thread so forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but...

...I think the SH series needs to get rid of that radio. It makes the game less scary, especially now that we're used to it. It serves more as a comforting object than anything else.
You could turn it off...
But I never dared to, for an entire game.
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Post by StaticRadio »

You know, it's kind of interesting that after a while, the bursts of static cease to be like a radar system for locating your enemies and instead it becomes one of those, Oh Crap What's It Gonna Be? Things. It's less reassuring now than it was when I started playing.
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Post by Judgement1223 »

hey man looking me rocking out I'm on the radio.....with danny and lisa!!!
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Re: Radio? What's going on with that radio?

Post by DinoNerd89 »

even thought its part of the sound track, i always enjoyed the theory that the noise you hear between the trip from the hospital to the green lion, is that the radio is picking up on the growing amount of evil in the town.
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