Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by jdnation »

Yeah that's also an idea.

Which is why I think the Remake games ought to be considered their own canon, so that changes and additional material can have their own consistency.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Jonipoon »

>Any remake of SH1 should swap perspectives between Harry and Cybil up until the point she's possessed. It would be a good way to expand the game and also expand on what she was up to.

Do you mean a A + B scenario type of thing [ala Resident Evil] or a single scenario that swaps between Harry and Cybil? I would prefer the first, but for narrative reasons the latter is more easily done since Cybil's eventual possession creates issues with her having her own separate scenario.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Droo »

Single scenario. Since Cybil can die at the carousel depending on Harry's actions it wouldn't make sense to give her an entire separate scenario. I was thinking swapping from one to the other at certain times of the playthrough, with Cybil possibly not surviving past the amusement park if Harry doesn't do the right things when you're playing as him.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by leftshoe18 »

I guess if you did separate scenarios, you could have a completely different end-game section for her where Harry gets possessed instead.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Droo »

leftshoe18 wrote: 27 Sep 2024 I guess if you did separate scenarios, you could have a completely different end-game section for her where Harry gets possessed instead.
Not without breaking SH3's canon completely.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by leftshoe18 »

I don't really see a need to strictly adhere to canon in remakes.

Besides, they could just treat the Cybil scenario as a noncanon "what if?" scenario.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by jdnation »

Jonipoon wrote:Do you mean a A + B scenario type of thing [ala Resident Evil] or a single scenario that swaps between Harry and Cybil? I would prefer the first, but for narrative reasons the latter is more easily done since Cybil's eventual possession creates issues with her having her own separate scenario.
The second, a single scenario swapping between them at appropriate times in the narrative.

Like The Last of Us 1 & 2, but more often.

If Harry does manage to save her at the Amusement Park, she'll get some additional playtime up to the end.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by DinoNerd89 »

I would prefer Silent Hill 1 to get the next remake, if there is one. you can't really do SH3 without the first you know?

I do think a remake of SH1, if done properly, could become an instant classic, and despite loving the original, i would love to see a more modern interpretation. I believe it would look absolutely amazing and be a real horrifying experience, in the best possible way.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by DinoNerd89 »

I also agree that maybe seeing Cybil get her own sidestory would be cool. I would also think it would be hilarious to get an actual ambulance ending after all these years :lol:
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Vixx »

Hey, @DinoNerd89. Please edit your post and add your second comment rather than adding multiple posts in a row. TIA!
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Chris Sunderland »

A SH1 remake should just bring the story up to standard with the TS era sequels. It's great for what it is, but it's a PS1 era horror game and it has those artifacts. Running around Palevale in modern graphics is certainly appealing.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Droo »

After playing through a good chunk of the remake I would very much like to see how Bloober would modify and update Old/Central Silent Hill. Their take on Midwich Elementary in particular is something I'd like to see.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by lain of the wired »

Didn't we kinda sorta get an SH1 remake in Shattered Memories? Not that I'd say no to a much more 1:1 remake the way Bloober did SH2R by any stretch! But I'd want a SH1R more in service of getting to an SH3R, personally. SH1 always felt like it was the loading dock for the rest of the roller coaster, y'know? I didn't feel the psychological horror in it like 2, and while 3 wasn't nearly as deep as 2, it still felt a bit deeper and had more pathos to it than 1. To me, at least.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Droo »

SM is more a non-canon reinterpretation of the plot of SH1. I'd want an actual remake that retains the canon like SH2R but also making enough changes to keep it fresh and scary by modern standards.

The emotional aspect of Harry's relationship with his adopted daughter and response to learning her true nature is ripe for expansion and deepening.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by The Adversary »

I’m not sure we can say with certainty SILENT HILL 2: REMAKE is a “canon” recreation of the original. Jury’s still out on those Glimpses of the Past.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by leftshoe18 »

There were definitely elements that made me think "stealth sequel" ala the FF7 Remake trilogy. In the end though, there weren't really any big deviations in the story. I think the glimpses of the past are really just acknowledgement of the loop theory. Bloober put some stuff in the game to acknowledge the fans.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by DinoNerd89 »

You really can't have the 3rd game without the 1st one, so i see the OG getting the new paint treatment next.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by jdnation »

The problem now is that SH2 Remake has been well received, and many people playing it for the first time are rightfully loving it for it's story.

SH1 is a step back in that department without a lot of new creative writing.

This will be hard to do as SH1's narrative is more focused on the supernatural cult story.

Harry as an MC is not guilty of anything. The Otherworld is specifically Alessa's, and the story is essentially her's.

Creative choices from sticking to SH1 faithfully may involve more emphasis on:

- Alessa's childhood and experiences.
Perhaps similar to Laura, we could have more opportunities for Harry to encounter Alessa and discover more about her life. Although this Alessa would have to be less talkative and more of a 'spirit guide' as she was in the original.

- Cheryl's happy childhood, and Harry's time with her.
Probably in the form of puzzles etc. that invite memories about their time together.

- Harry's late wife.
The fact that they adopted Cheryl whom they discovered on the roadside, that they couldn't have children of their own, and her death and likely that Harry misses her. Memories again that can come up like Cheryl via puzzles and Harry beginning to make connections between Cheryl and Alessa.

- Dahlia
Maybe her background could be fleshed out more, but I think adding more to her would not be a good idea. She ought to simply remain an enigmatic fanatic who at best can bring more lore to the table about the cult's beliefs and as an antagonistic part of Alessa's story rather than being a more fleshed out character.

- Lisa
Likewise, Lisa should also be left enigmatic and a small part of Harry's route. She too would be useful for imparting more information about Alessa.

- Cybil Bennet
Having Cybil as a dual protagonist would offer far more avenues to be creative, whereas Harry uncovers more about the cult on his route with Dahlia as his primary antagonist, Cybil will be more focused on the drug trade in Silent Hill, and having Kaufmann as her primary antagonist.

- Kaufmann
Kaufmann could be more fleshed out without too many issues, primarily as a corrupt guy trying to exploit people for personal gain.

- Other potential new characters
There could be room for 2-4 new characters on both Cybil and Harry's routes. They can be short and expendable, or what happens to them later is left up to your imagination. One character can only be a voice on Cybil's radio. Another a drug addict civilian and victim. Another a cult follower trying to get out. A final one being a school teacher who observed Alessa's bullying. All of these I offer as examples. They can exist as simple characters at face value. Something to break up the monotony of certain sections whom Harry and Cybil can talk to. They don't have to necessarily turn into antagonists (like Eddie) although the drug addict can be a problem for Cybil. Like Lisa and Kaufmann in the original, you encounter them for a portion of time. Learn a few things about them, and at some point they die or they exit the story through some other circumstances.

Like it or not, SH1 will still fall short of SH2's story. I do think that audiences will still like it and understand that SH2 was a sequel to this game, so it is to be expected that the 2nd game improved upon the first. It'd be a very remarkable thing if Bloober improved on SH1 in such a way that it turned out better than SH2 in that department. But that's something I think would be unfair to expect. However, if they dramatically improve on SH1's story in the Remake compared to the original, which I believe is very doable, then the remake will succeed.

The easy way out is what I've repeatedly believed is the idea of putting SH1 and 3 together as one remake project. But long term, I think that SH2 Remake's success ought to give Konami and Bloober confidence in a dedicated SH1 Remake. And they would HAVE to do it before 3. And I hope they push back against the Konami suits who just see doing 3 right away as the most efficient money-making scenario.

Although, honestly, I personally am not at all opposed to remaking 4 next, as that also stands alone even more so than 2. Although I believe that project will necessarily need more time in the oven to get exactly right.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by Jonipoon »

I really don’t understand why some people think the story of the first game is weak or lacking. The way it was told however was unconventional and intentionally strange, but the same could be said about almost every game in the series. It’s also a pretty common misconception to claim the game is ”just about the cult”, when the core premise is about a father looking for his daughter which continues throughout the entire story.

Additionally, to say that Harry is not an interesting character simply because he isn’t a guilty or traumatic person like James, Angela or Eddie - well that just sounds like the same old ”everything should be more like Silent Hill 2” talk. It’s boring.

Lastly, talking in terms about what would sell well and whatnot is ironic considering the series has always been a niche seller compared to other games like Resident Evil. The sales numbers we’re seeing right now for the remake are very unusual and not something we’ve experienced with the series before, and while you could definitely make the argument ”It’s because it’s Silent Hill 2” there are so many other factors playing a vital role such as; it being the first major release in over 10 years, it actually being well-made, it being upgraded to fit modern gaming experiences, etc.
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Re: Would you prefer SH1 or SH3 next?

Post by jdnation »

Jonipoon wrote: 19 Oct 2024I really don’t understand why some people think the story of the first game is weak or lacking.
It's not that it was weak or lacking when it released. It is simply a step backward compared to it's sequels which have greatly improved upon it.

To keep the franchise going, you're going to want to ensure your follow-up is at least as well received as the previous entry.

In that regard, SH1 will need to have a lot more going for it to meet expectations.

I'm not asking for Harry to be traumatized. He just needs to be more fleshed out if a Silent Hill 1 Remake is to succeed following the reception of SH2.

The father looking for his daughter story needs to be even more front and center.

Harry's story campaign can be elevated by emphasis on the fear of the complete loss of his family; both his wife and his adopted daughter.

Ideally with a Harry/Cybil scenario, you could emphasize the family aspect more with Harry, and the cult aspect more with Cybil.
Lastly, talking in terms about what would sell well and whatnot is ironic considering the series has always been a niche seller compared to other games like Resident Evil. The sales numbers we’re seeing right now for the remake are very unusual and not something we’ve experienced with the series before, and while you could definitely make the argument ”It’s because it’s Silent Hill 2” there are so many other factors playing a vital role such as; it being the first major release in over 10 years, it actually being well-made, it being upgraded to fit modern gaming experiences, etc.
Being a proper good looking next-gen game exclusively for PS5 also has a lot of cache going for it.

We've still yet to see a next-gen Resident Evil. But 9 is on the way.

Callisto Protocol had a chance, but outside of its fidelity, not too many liked it.

So for now, the best current-gen survival horror experience is Silent Hill 2 Remake.

The next SH games will have Capcom's next entries to contend with on the market. They can both do well, however, if the quality is kept up.
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