Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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The tweet.


RUMOR: Silent Hill 3 Remake Development Underway:
Codenamed "Project H"
It would follow the style of the 2nd remake
It will have a greater focus on Survival Horror
It will have a stronger Narrative
Konami wants the Silent Hill IP to be big

Source is honestly an iffy one, and the post is from October, so take with a very big grain of salt.

This said about this source, and regardless of what it says, it's interesting to note that Project H is something that was already confirmed months ago to be in plans by Bloober, also done in-house like SH2 was:

There's Project G before that one as well, which was already in concept phase at this report's time. And Project C is thought to be their recently announced Chronos game. So it's interesting that G and H are one after the other, and maybe related if we go by their letter order (notice that the other letters are C, M and F. There's no Project D- E or I- L, and none of the other projects are in alphabetical order like G and H are).

Some people have theorized that these two could be Silent Hill 1 and 3 Remakes due to their direct continuity unlike the other Silent Hill games.

EDIT/TLDR: Just to make everything clearer. If Project H does turn out to be Silent Hill 3, and G/H are indeed connected, Silent Hill 1 would still release before 3, since Project G (SH1) was already in conceptual phase and H (SH3) was just in plans.


I don't follow leakers so I have no idea about the veracity of any of this. It is from October, after all. But, stranger things have happened — like the Silent Hill franchise being rebooted after a decade. . . .
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by leftshoe18 »

With the reception we've seen for the remake of SH2, I would be more surprised if we didn't get another remake from Bloober. I've probably said it elsewhere on the forum, but I wouldn't mind a Resident Evil-like approach to releases where we get a remake then an original game and repeat.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by Droo »

*aroused noise*

I think we will be getting annual SH games for a bit, like Capcom did with RE after 7. Bouncing between remakes and new installments.

The success of Bloober Team makes them a no brainer for Konami to keep working with.

I even wonder if Townfall and f may be de-prioritized in favour of Bloober projects.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by jdnation »

Droo wrote: 21 Dec 2024 I even wonder if Townfall and f may be de-prioritized in favour of Bloober projects.
I don't see why. Both those titles are by other development houses. And are likely to be out long before Bloober will show anything.

Taking the rumor at face value, the SH2 team is on Project H, which is SH3.

But the team currently working on Cronos may be assigned to Project G, which is speculated to be SH1.

As we figure, if they are not combining SH 1 & 3, then SH1 has to release before 3 to make sense to new audiences chronologically.

This suggests that SH1 Remake will have a quicker turnaround, while it sounds as though 3 Remake will be more ambitious with a longer dev time.

A strict 1 Remake would be easier, especially if they truncate it's length with tighter level design and less running around and only stick to the original Harry scenario (So no new story with a playable Cybil).

Then release them 1 year apart.

So Townfall in 2025, f in 2026, SH1 in 2027, and SH3 in 2028. (Hence f - G - H) :)

Cronos is out in 2025, so I could see Bloober pushing SH1 Remake out in 2 years with asset reuse from SH2, while SH3 takes 4 years. SH1 should play identically to SH2.

I don't know what greater focus on survival horror is applicable to SH3... Like, new gameplay elements? More intricate health an injury system, crafting and resource management? I dunno if Heather's journey needs anything over what SH2 has, but I guess we'll see...

Potentially, the speculation about SH1 could be wrong, and while Bloober is assigned to remaking SH3, SH1 Remake could be another studio entirely, maybe even that rumored internal Konami SH project, possibly even being remade by the MGS Delta team. A test to see if they can likewise also apply the faithful port/reconstructed remake process to PSOne titles as PS2.

Or it's possible that Hexadrive gets a shot at a smaller less ambitious, more retro styled SH1 Remake akin to their SH2 pitch. Konami obviously views SH2 and 3 as the crown jewels of the franchise above SH1, so the A-Team (Bloober, so far) will handle those while 1 gets a smaller team and scope.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by Droo »

What are we to make of Ito posting on Twitter a 2025 version of the Closer?
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by The Adversary »

I would say that it definitely means SILENT HILL 3: REMAKE is currently in the works to some extent.

It's been radio silence for a minute and then, suddenly, right before the new year, series producer Motoi Okamoto issues a statement about the Silent Hill series and its games currently in development, and then, a day or two later, Masahiro Ito pops in with new artwork. Seems, to me, Okamoto opened the lid on the other projects and we'll be getting even more information sooner than expected.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by leftshoe18 »

How soon do you think we'll see the next Silent Hill Transmission?
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by jdnation »

leftshoe18 wrote: 05 Jan 2025 How soon do you think we'll see the next Silent Hill Transmission?
Probably when the new movie has a final cut and it's first proper trailer with a release date.

I'm guessing toward the end of January at the earliest if the film is ready by then, or latest before fiscal year end in March as Konami's last quarter report mentioned an upcoming Transmission.

I doubt that we'll see any of SH3 Remake in the next Transmission, even if it is already greenlit. At best they'll mention it.

But I worry about the possibility that Konami just skips 1 directly to 3, or just ignores 1 altogether.

To alleviate that they may combine 1+3 into a more ambitious game with playable Harry & Heather in two separate time periods, or take the easier path where the main story points of SH1 are incorporated more heavily as background lore and info that Heather uncovers on her journey, even retracing her father's steps.

So basically a complete rewrite of SH3 incorporating Harry's levels, puzzles and story, including the lingering ghosts of or rewritten aged characters of Cybil, Kaufmann, Lisa, Alessa & Dahlia, as well as bosses. No playable Harry. Instead an amnesiac Heather uncovers her past including what her father went through as the game progresses.

That way Konami never needs to bother with a standalone SH1 Remake, and new players will simply experience SH1's story and lore through Remake Heather's perspective.

I don't know how I'd feel about that... But it could work... Especially considering SH1 and 3 have overlapping locations. Heather would really only need to drop by the school as a major location to itself. Everything else from SH1 can be incorporated into redesigned locations of SH3's streets, hospital, amusement park and nowhere.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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>Heather would really only need to drop by the school.<
More importantly: Alchemilla Hospital, where she should have gone in SILENT HILL 3 if the team hadn't already built Brookhaven Hospital.

>To alleviate that they may combine 1+3 into a more ambitious game with playable Harry & Heather in two separate time periods<
I've been suggesting this for a while now. It would be even better if it weren't even marketed as such. Like, market it as just a remake of SILENT HILL. And then, BAM!, here's Heather!

I also think an integrated story would work well. SILENT HILL 3 already mirrors SILENT HILL in many ways. Now, I'm not saying Harry goes through Midwich Elementary and then Heather goes to Midwich Elementary School 17 years later, but Harry's version could be truncated and Heather goes to the same building but entirely different parts of it, with the occasional overlap. That way you'd get a full "level" played out by two people 17 years apart. Hell, maybe even turn Midwich Elementary School into Midwich High School — that way Heather has something to relate to as a teenager.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by jdnation »

Since Brookhaven was used in SH2 Remake, it's certain that a redesigned Alchemilla will be a new hospital level for any SH1/3 Remake.

Ideally they'd remake 1 & 3 separately and share assets, but assuming they'd roll 1 into 3 as one game, the redesigned Alchemilla would include not just the nurses, but the doctors as well, finding some way to mix the creature designs from SH1 into SH3's.

Lisa's scenes from SH1 can be remade with Heather instead of Harry, though you'd want to account for the idea that Lisa may recognize Heather as Alessa. The original SH3 had callbacks to Lisa, so this can work.

Kaufmann could be an older guy trapped in the town, potentially transforming into a crazy monster himself like Leonard, but it would ideally be Lisa's ghost that takes him down ultimately, so Heather's encounters with Lisa should arc in that direction.

The best of Harry's puzzles can be remade alongside Heather's throughout the game in general.

Harry's cut out puzzles can be harkened back to as glimpses of the past with Heather commenting about whether it was something Harry did. Scribblings of Harry's notepads can be scattered as collectible notes.

The only other characters I have trouble forcing into this timeline are Dahlia and Cybil.

Dahlia should be dead, so some version of her could be manifested like Maria, though that would take away from Claudia, so instead Dahlia should only be seen in flashbacks Heather has from her memories as Alessa, and Harry's notes, and Kaufmann's notes and dialogue.

Cybil too can only be referenced by Harry, and possibly also Douglas. Naturally SH3 makes only the good endings of SH1 canon. Only 1 of them has Cybil live. But any potential writings from Harry would have to be vague about her fate, and Douglas can only mention her as a reference as part of his investigations, but not as someone he met post sh1. So Cybil will be a minimal aspect of the story.

Of course the remake could just choose the good+ ending as it's canon, and Cybil can be more involved, or the good ending where Cybil dies at the amusement park and we re-encounter her in some other fashion, which itself could be optional. Or include both possibilities, though that complicates things...

Or... Invent a completely new character who knew Cybil, a partner on the police force, or relative, who gets involved due to Douglas' inquiries or a contact of Harry's. And that way Cybil's involvement can be more detailed as a side story. And maybe the twist is that that person, like Maria, was Cybil all along, conjured up by the memories of Alessa that are stirring due to Heather's return to Silent Hill. I think the Play Novel has Alessa and Cybil meeting while searching for Cheryl? That's also an avenue.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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So, now we're not even talking about a remake, but rather a complete reimagining. . . . Which, really, is what SILENT HILL 2: REMAKE is. It's a separate timeline entirely, so anything goes.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by Chris Sunderland »

I really hope Silent Hill 1 doesn't get skipped for a multitude of reasons. The game absolutely deserves to be remade in the same way as SH2 was.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by jdnation »

The Adversary wrote: 07 Jan 2025 So, now we're not even talking about a remake, but rather a complete reimagining. . . . Which, really, is what SILENT HILL 2: REMAKE is. It's a separate timeline entirely, so anything goes.
There's little doubt that Konami would prefer to remake the games in terms of popularity order, simply as a business decision. Konami might also simply be of the impression that the market prefers the PS2 titles over the more dated SH1.

So consensus-wise, in terms of acclaim, 3 comes after 2.

The problem is that 3 is a direct sequel to 1. It doesn't quite stand alone like 2 does. It could be rewritten to account for that, but it'd lose something unless the events of SH1 are more detailed in 3.

Given the rumor where it sounds like SH3 Remake is going to have greater scope than SH2 Remake, it feels as though the reason why could be to incorporate both 1 & 3 together in some way to make it work.

I think it's a missed opportunity not to remake 1. Granted it's the most bareboned out of all of them, but that also leaves room for creativity, fleshing out Harry as a character with the tragedy of losing his wife in a way that is the opposite of James, and even what I think would be a good idea to have a dual protagonist with Cybil and even Kaufmann being fleshed out more. All if which can be expanded with new locations and lore and even elements from more obscure things like the Play Novel.

So I'm really hoping that while SH3 is being made by Bloober, perhaps SH1 is already being remade elsewhere in tandem with Bloober and both teams are collaborating in terms of story consistency.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by Droo »

I'm hearing rumours that Bloober is actually working on SH1 and SH3 at the same time.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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jdnation wrote: 08 Jan 2025There's little doubt that Konami would prefer to remake the games in terms of popularity order, simply as a business decision. Konami might also simply be of the impression that the market prefers the PS2 titles over the more dated SH1.

[. . . .]
No, I get all that. I'm just saying based on that scenario, what you've proposed, we're not talking about a "remake" anymore: It's a whole new re-envisioning of SILENT HILL and SILENT HILL 3.

While I expect some liberties to be taken — as I suggested: there were plenty in SILENT HILL 2: REMAKE — we should also want actual remakes, unless we're continuing with this [new] timeline. Which, again — fine. I'd like remasters in addition to these reimaginings if that's the case, though.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by jdnation »

Ah yes, if we consider the Remakes their own canon, then liberties can be taken. Although I feel Bloober loves the original games too much to stray too far as they do want to convey the original stories and moments to new audiences.
Droo wrote: 08 Jan 2025 I'm hearing rumours that Bloober is actually working on SH1 and SH3 at the same time.
That's what the original rumor suggests, claiming that Project H is SH3 by he SH2 team, while it assumes that Project G is SH1 by the Chronus team.

It could be the case that the SH2 team is conceptualizing 1 & 3 together, but the Chronus team will take over SH1's active development under their supervision after Chronus goes gold, and it'll be made with quicker turnover sticking close to SH2's gameplay blueprints without any major formula changes while SH3 gets a longer development period with more ambition, especially considering the variety of locations it covers. I think it'll also work in their favor if SH1's length and level design is shorter and tighter than 2's.

Bloober could start out getting the Silent Hill locations and map nailed down first that both games share, then making asset reuse from SH2 ideally get SH1 out faster, before SH3, but most likely after Townfall and f.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by Droo »

I do think a remake of SH1 and SH3 in the same product would be a bit too much. It could dilute both SH1 and SH3. I really think both should be separate remakes that tie in together.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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Droo wrote: 11 Jan 2025 I do think a remake of SH1 and SH3 in the same product would be a bit too much. It could dilute both SH1 and SH3. I really think both should be separate remakes that tie in together.
I'd say that SILENT HILL 3 is already diluted. It really doesn't have much substance outside of being visually and sonically impressive. The story itself is woefully weak.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

Post by Droo »

The Adversary wrote: 11 Jan 2025
Droo wrote: 11 Jan 2025 I do think a remake of SH1 and SH3 in the same product would be a bit too much. It could dilute both SH1 and SH3. I really think both should be separate remakes that tie in together.
I'd say that SILENT HILL 3 is already diluted. It really doesn't have much substance outside of being visually and sonically impressive. The story itself is woefully weak.
Agreed, but Bloober has a real chance to fix that here. I just think SH1 and 3 together would be too much/too long.
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Re: Bloober Team may be working on SILENT HILL & SILENT HILL 3 {RUMOR}

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Droo wrote: 11 Jan 2025Agreed, but Bloober has a real chance to fix that here. I just think SH1 and 3 together would be too much/too long.
Well, SILENT HILL 2: REMAKE took 28 hours my first time through, whereas SILENT HILL 2 took 8 hours. Casual playthroughs of SILENT HILL and SILENT HILL 3 can be done in, what? 4 and 5 hours?
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