SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by Herr Shaun »

It's a little hard to see because of my gamma settings, but this clock in the house with the first Lying Figure encounter is stopped on the solution to the OG clock puzzle (even Scott is on 15!):


EDIT: It looks like a lot of the clocks are actually stopped at this same time.
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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by The Adversary »

Herr Shaun wrote: 07 Dec 2024 EDIT: It looks like a lot of the clocks are actually stopped at this same time.
Every clock — even the Director's pocket watch — is stopped at 9:10.15. Except for one. . . .

In the reception office of Lakeview Hotel, it's stopped at 3:23.

My theory is that this is the moment the fire started that burned the place down.
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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by Herr Shaun »

I might just be reading into it way too much, but "Einsame Blumen" (lonely flowers) could be a reference to the last line of Your Rain:

"Like a flower in the basement, waiting for a lonely death..."

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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by The Adversary »

Herr Shaun wrote: 08 Dec 2024 I might just be reading into it way too much, but "Einsame Blumen" (lonely flowers) could be a reference to the last line of Your Rain:

"Like a flower in the basement, waiting for a lonely death..."
There are three pieces of sheet music James can examine, all of varying degrees of difficulty to play.

• Opus 82, No. 3 by Robert Schumann, "Einsame Blumen" (trans. "Lovely Flowers"), 1850

• Opus 72 by Alexander Scriabin, "Vers la flamme" (trans. "Toward the Flame"), 1914

• Intermezzo Opus 118, No. 2 by Johannes Brahms, 1893

There was a love triangle between the Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, and Clara Schumann.

My initial thought was that these are pieces Mary liked to play. However, James comments that Mary wasn't very good at the piano, and "Vers la flamme" (trans. Toward the Flame) is known for its difficulty, and is supposed to represent persistent rising heat and flames that would ultimately destroy the world. I believe there's a certain character in this game that seems to walk toward the flame wherever they go. . . .
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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by Herr Shaun »

Very pleased that they kept the weird face door in the corridor after the Pyramid Head fight.

EDIT: Okay, this technically isn't so much an easter egg as it is a feature they remembered to include, but I was still pleased as punch to see it!

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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by Disrupticon »

So this puzzle that can be found in the Woodside Apartments has been the subject of intrigue for some people.


This is supposedly called the Hand of Fatima door knocker - through my research, there's debate over whether or not it's linked to Islamic tradition, but it found a lot of prominence in Spanish design trends - and is even featured on the cover of a few novels here and there.


When you complete the puzzle, the apple drops down, and the cupboard opens up. Revealing a wedding dress. Plausibly a reference to the Greek myth of the Apple of Discord and the Judgement of Paris - where the goddess Eris was disinvited to the wedding of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis. Eris, scorned to be snubbed from the occasion, threw a golden apple into the crowd with the inscription "to the fairest". This happened to catch the attention of the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena who all looked down at the apple and fell into dispute as to who exactly it belonged to.

There's an old wives tale that grew out of this myth, that offering a maiden an apple in ancient Greek times meant requesting her hand in marriage. One of the key puzzles towards Leave/In Water and Maria respectively however, revolves around offering up either the rotten apple - or the ripe apple in the mirror room in the hotel.

Make of those implications for the narrative what you will - given how temptation is a recurrant motif for James.

The whiskey bottle Maria pours from in Heaven's Night is also labelled "The Fifth River" - a likely reference to the Five Rivers of the underworld.

The River Acheron/The River of Woe - Signifying the Cleansing of Sins.

The River Lethe/The River of Unmindfulness - In which those who were made to drink from it would forget their past existence in preparation for rebirth.

The River Cocytus/The River of Lamentation - In which those whose bodies were not properly put to rest were forced to wander its banks - also, in Dante's Inferno, a place of punishment for those who'd betrayed someone who trusted them.

...etc etc.
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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by Utherworld »

Disrupticon wrote: 17 Dec 2024 So this puzzle that can be found in the Woodside Apartments has been the subject of intrigue for some people.


This is supposedly called the Hand of Fatima door knocker - through my research, there's debate over whether or not it's linked to Islamic tradition, but it found a lot of prominence in Spanish design trends - and is even featured on the cover of a few novels here and there.


When you complete the puzzle, the apple drops down, and the cupboard opens up. Revealing a wedding dress. Plausibly a reference to the Greek myth of the Apple of Discord and the Judgement of Paris - where the goddess Eris was disinvited to the wedding of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis. Eris, scorned to be snubbed from the occasion, threw a golden apple into the crowd with the inscription "to the fairest". This happened to catch the attention of the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena who all looked down at the apple and fell into dispute as to who exactly it belonged to.

There's an old wives tale that grew out of this myth, that offering a maiden an apple in ancient Greek times meant requesting her hand in marriage. One of the key puzzles towards Leave/In Water and Maria respectively however, revolves around offering up either the rotten apple - or the ripe apple in the mirror room in the hotel.

Make of those implications for the narrative what you will - given how temptation is a recurrant motif for James.

The whiskey bottle Maria pours from in Heaven's Night is also labelled "The Fifth River" - a likely reference to the Five Rivers of the underworld.

The River Acheron/The River of Woe - Signifying the Cleansing of Sins.

The River Lethe/The River of Unmindfulness - In which those who were made to drink from it would forget their past existence in preparation for rebirth.

The River Cocytus/The River of Lamentation - In which those whose bodies were not properly put to rest were forced to wander its banks - also, in Dante's Inferno, a place of punishment for those who'd betrayed someone who trusted them.

...etc etc.

Impressive find ^^^

In keeping with the significance above, the apple puzzle decision is tied to the mirror puzzle. Mirrors are a symbol of lust in Dante's Inferno. Lustful souls are condemned to be eternally tossed by the wind. It's supposed to signify that lustful people's passions are never quenched. And punishment for that soul's fate in the afterlife will reflect the sins they have committed in life.
I'm going to town either way.........
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Re: SPOILERS/EASTER EGGS What cool little easter eggs have you found so far?

Post by Chris Sunderland »

On my second play through, when I was in Brookhaven at the last stretch right before you put the rings on the "lady door" with Maria. When I went to save Maria was directly behind me and in the save menu her face was next to James. Amused, I tried it again aways from her at the same square and it was normal. Thought that was neat.
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