False expectations about the remake (SPOILERS/ETC)

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False expectations about the remake (SPOILERS/ETC)

Post by Jonipoon »

Basically, what are some of the things you expected or wished for to be included in the remake, but ended up not being there?

I honestly believed that Pyramid Head would be a stalking enemy in more additional areas, and not just in the exact same small spot in the Labyrinth. This is because after the success of stalking Mr. X in the Resident Evil 2 remake, I thought that Capcom looked at that and said "Hey, let's do that to Pyramid Head as well". Another reason is because early development of the original Silent Hill 2 had Pyramid Head roaming the streets of Silent Hill, and I thought Bloober Team would include this since it would be a great nod the missed opportunities from the original. Now, we got more Pyramid Head than ever, but I would've loved if he had stalked you in at least one area in the remake. Brookhaven's Nightmare hospital, for example, was not as scary as I expected so that would've been a fitting place for a stalking Pyramid Head.

Another thing I didn't see coming was the apparent lack of new unlockables. In this day and age, I was at least expecting one or a few extra outfits for James and Maria.
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Re: False expectations about the remake (SPOILERS/ETC)

Post by leftshoe18 »

I wish they had included the hotel's teleporty doors.

I also expected more stalker Pyramid Head for the same reason you pointed out. I was actually glad they didn't go that way because it meant I could focus on the tasks I had to complete in an area instead of having to run from a stalker enemy.
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Re: False expectations about the remake (SPOILERS/ETC)

Post by Jonipoon »

In hindsight, a stalking Pyramid Head would be extremely impractical for most of the newly redesigned levels, especially with the increased amount of complex puzzles compared to the original. It would've worked very well on the foggy streets though.

Oh well, you can't everything in life!
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Re: False expectations about the remake (SPOILERS/ETC)

Post by NanayaShiki »

A stalking Pyramid Head wouldn't have worked with how linear a lot of the level design is. They could have had him out in the streets at night after the Hospital though. Any earlier would have been too much. Probably could have had him extend his territory to more of the Labyrinth too. Not that I mind they played it safe here, in many ways that's probably the right call, but I also wouldn't have minded his presence being a bit expanded towards the end.
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